Everyone has an opinion on pregnancy, pregnant women and babies. Everyone seems entitled to said opinions, everyone except the woman growing the damn baby that is. Or so it seems. Woe is me! Waaahhhhhh!
I catch some of my friends looking at me with suspicion in their eyes when I eat "I heard you shouldn't eat preservatives when pregnant, its bad for the baby." Still others roll their eyes and tell me I shouldn't be so paranoid when I decline the ham that's been sitting in the food court for god knows how many hours. Mr T frets every time I take a minute sip of beer. My parents have told me my abstinence from alcohol is over the top paranoia.
I finally let myself get excited about a cot that I found the other day. I told my Mum about it when she was around. She told me it was a terrible idea (its a side car cot) because I wouldn't be able to get out of bed (what the?) and that I should have the cot on the other side of the room. Thanks for the support. Mum has also purchased bottles. I asked her what I'd need those for, and she said sometimes you don't have enough milk and you need to top up. Ok fine, sigh, let's just set me up for a breastfeeding failure shall we?
I just don't feel like I can counter any of what she says because I've never had a baby before. And she had one 27 years ago, so she gets to roll her eyes and give me the 'you're just a naive new mother' talk every damn time I express an opinion different to hers. I'm finding myself shutting down already. I don't want to share any of my ideas, and every time she says something I just smile and nod now.
She said today she saw some of those "new fangled cloth nappies" and that they looked stupid and terry toweling is better. So that's another battle I'm going to have to avoid by just ignoring everything she says and doing what I want to anyway. I know what she's doing is coming from a place of love, and support, and I am so grateful for that. I just wish I didn't feel like I have no right to an opinion on what I think is right for my body, my baby and my life.
Wow, what an insanely boring and whiny post! What is this a diary or something? Well, nobody's reading it, so I might as well use it as my own personal venting board!
2/3 等新電腦來
2 years ago
There are other reasons for bottles:
ReplyDelete1. You express milks before a night off, babysitter needs to feed baby
2. Water and juice (when the baby is a little older anyway)
Focus on those... :)